Living with diabetes can be a challenging journey, requiring constant attention to blood sugar levels, medications, and lifestyle adjustments. However, the burden of managing diabetes goes beyond physical aspects. Depression and distress can significantly impact individuals with diabetes, diminishing their emotional...
Welcome to Meg's #BurnoutTruth Story My burn out was such a detrimental time in my life. That year will always be so vivid to me. During this time I unfortunately created unhealthy coping mechanisms...
Living with diabetes can be a challenging and demanding journey. People managing this chronic condition face numerous obstacles and responsibilities on a daily basis. The constant need for blood sugar monitoring, medication management, and lifestyle...
Living with diabetes looks very different for everyone, despite the shared struggles of having a diagnosis that requires your attention continuously throughout the day, everyday! Sometimes, we may all live in our own bubbles and may not...
Over time, living with diabetes can take its toll on a person. In fact, research has revealed that people living with diabetes have double the risk of sustaining depression in their lifetime. Regular testing, daily medication, healthy diet and physical activity become a normal part of the routine of a person living...
Living with diabetes can be challenging in many ways. This article explores the emotional impacts of guilt and shame for individual's living with diabetes and how guilt and shame can negatively impact diabetes management. What is Guilt and Shame? Guilt and shame are complex emotions that can arise...