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Memes filter by Type 2 Diabetes

Someone be-leaves in you

Someone be-leaves in you

Like this post? Follow our Instagram for more memes!  You just need one person to be-leaf in you and here at Glucology, we want to extend that be-leaf to you! Sometimes, all we need is the right...
I feel like I'm high officer...

I feel like I'm high officer...

Like this post? Follow our Instagram for more memes!  We're not actually high, just check our monitors!! As we know, our blood glucose monitors are an essential part with keeping an eye out for our health, but it...
Diabetes 101

Diabetes 101

About Us Glucology is a bespoke brand and line of diabetic support products designed in Australia. The Glucology product line is a range of premium support solutions that make day-to-day life easier for people living...
Ways Diabetes Can Impact Mental Health

Ways Diabetes Can Impact Mental Health

Diabetes can have a profound effect on your mental health. It's important to be aware of this and look after your mental health as well as your physical health. Like this post? Follow our Instagram for more...