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Understanding Neuropathy in Diabetes | Glucology Diabetic Socks

Understanding Neuropathy in Diabetes

About Neuropathy:Neuropathy, a common complication of diabetes, refers to damage affecting the peripheral nerves, typically in the extremities such as the feet and hands. Diabetic neuropathy arises due to prolonged high blood sugar levels that...

Before you take any insulin...DO THIS!!!

Taking insulin cannot just be an AFTERTHOUGHTI We tend to just take insulin and deal with the consequences 2-3 hours later in the middle of a gym session. The reality is, if you want better blood sugars...
Minorities groups with the diabetes space

Minority groups and diabetes

There is a well-established link between minority groups and diabetes. Minority populations, including African Americans, Hispanic/Latinos, Native Americans, and Asian Americans, have a higher risk of developing diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, the prevalence...
Navigating the Skies: A Comprehensive Guide to Air Travel with Diabetes

Navigating the Skies: A Comprehensive Guide to Air Travel with Diabetes

Air travel, while exciting, can pose unique challenges for individuals managing diabetes. From meticulous preparation to smoothly navigating security checks, and managing blood sugar levels during the flight, here's a comprehensive guide to ensure a...
Travel Season is here! Make sure you’re ready with our helpful tips

Travel Season is here! Make sure you’re ready with our helpful tips

With everyone traveling now and in the next few months, it is important to be organized in your diabetes management while away. Traveling is a great way to spend time with friends or family when...
Copper and its benefits to the human skin

Copper and its benefits to the human skin

Copper is an essential mineral in the human body. For thousands of years, it has been used to improve health and wellness.   With its two distinct properties - broad-spectrum anti-microbial efficacy (proven against fungi,...