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Regulate Blood sugar level with excercise | Diabetes 101

by IBD Medical on February 26, 2025

Regulate Blood sugar level with excercise | Diabetes 101

Physical activity is a powerful tool in managing diabetes, a chronic condition affecting millions of people worldwide. With regular exercise, individuals with diabetes can significantly improve their blood sugar levels, enhance insulin sensitivity, and reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications. Understanding how exercise influences blood sugar levels and tailoring workouts accordingly can play a crucial role in achieving optimal diabetes management.

The Relationship Between Exercise and Blood Sugar Levels

When we engage in physical activity, our body's demand for energy increases. To meet this demand, our muscles absorb glucose from the bloodstream and utilize it as fuel, leading to a reduction in blood sugar levels. Moreover, exercise enhances insulin sensitivity, making the body more responsive to insulin, the hormone responsible for transporting glucose into cells.

The impact of exercise on blood sugar levels can vary depending on the type, duration, and intensity of the activity. Aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling tend to have a more immediate effect on lowering blood sugar levels during and shortly after the workout. On the other hand, resistance training or strength exercises may lead to a delayed reduction in blood sugar levels as the body recovers and repairs muscle tissues.

Tailoring Workouts for Diabetes Management

For individuals with diabetes, crafting a personalised exercise plan is crucial for effective blood sugar management. Here are some guidelines for tailoring workouts to suit individual needs:

Consult with Healthcare Professionals - Before beginning any exercise regimen, individuals with diabetes should consult their healthcare team. Healthcare professionals can assess one's health status, current fitness level, and any diabetes-related complications to recommend appropriate exercise types and intensities.

Set Realistic Goals - Establish achievable exercise goals that align with the individual's fitness level and medical condition. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of workouts to avoid overexertion.

Balance Aerobic and Strength Training - Incorporate a mix of aerobic exercises and strength training in the workout routine. Aerobic activities improve cardiovascular health and provide immediate blood sugar benefits, while strength training contributes to long-term blood sugar control by increasing muscle mass.

Be Mindful of Blood Sugar Levels - Check blood sugar levels before, during, and after exercise, especially if using insulin or medications that can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). If blood sugar levels are too low before a workout, it is advisable to have a small snack to prevent hypoglycemia during exercise.

Stay Hydrated - Drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise to prevent dehydration, which can affect blood sugar levels.

Monitor Post-Exercise Responses - Some individuals may experience a transient increase in blood sugar levels after intense exercise due to the body's stress response. This phenomenon, known as "rebound hyperglycaemia," is usually temporary and should not deter one from continuing with regular exercise.

Consider the Timing - Depending on the individual's diabetes management plan, the timing of exercise may need adjustment. For example, those taking rapid-acting insulin may need to coordinate their meals and insulin doses with exercise to avoid low blood sugar. 

Regular exercise offers a multitude of benefits for individuals with diabetes, especially in terms of blood sugar management. It is important to be aware that engaging in physical activity while managing Type 1 diabetes (T1D) might need to be looked differently to exercising while managing Type 2 diabetes (T2D), we will be talking about such differences in the coming weeks. By understanding the relationship between exercise and blood sugar levels and tailoring workouts to suit individual needs, people with diabetes can harness the power of physical activity to improve their overall health and quality of life. However, it is essential to work closely with healthcare professionals, monitor blood sugar levels, and make adjustments as needed to ensure safe and effective diabetes management through exercise. Remember, every step towards an active lifestyle brings you closer to better diabetes control and a healthier future. 





Kelsie Patterson courageously faced her own diagnosis of type 1 diabetes with determination and drive, pushing her to pursue a multi-disiplinary approach to become a Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Care & Educator Specialist, and Certified Personal Trainer. Her passion for helping others motivated her to start "The Diabetes Dietitian" where she works directly with people managing type 1 diabetes to gain control over their blood sugars in order to achieve any life goals.

Regulate Blood sugar level with excercise | Diabetes 101
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by Dona Louise Emly Grant on October 23, 2023

My problem is keeping a steady workout my work schedule changes continusiously miss a few days sometimes a week although I do walk a lot more than average need to rid of belly

by Dona Louise Emly Grant on October 23, 2023

My problem is keeping a steady workout my work schedule changes continusiously miss a few days sometimes a week although I do walk a lot more than average need to rid of belly

by Deb on October 23, 2023

Nothing useful here to help Type1 diabetics use exercise to help manage their BS levels …. or, moreover, to help them manage their BS levels during exercise. Sorry but this is just waffle to me.


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