Mothers are often the primary caretakers of their families, and as such, their health is crucial. Diabetes, a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels, can have a significant impact on a mother's health...
With the end of year approaching, it's always a great time to reflect and look back at how far we have come. Andi has come on today to do just that. Part of embracing diabetes...
Hi! I'm Nicole, I’m a 23 year old diabetic living in Ohio. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on July 15th 2019. My diagnosis was difficult; Unlike a lot of diabetics, I had...
Hi, my name is John! I was born in the St. Albans, Vermont hospital while my parents and two older brothers, Jim & Bill, were living in Georgia Plains, Vt. My Dad was a Baptist...
Diabetes is not always as straight forward as people may assume it to be.While life is all about taking ownership over your actions, it’s important not to blame and shame each other nor ourselves. Watch...
For years I wore a Medtronic/Minimed 508 insulin pump. My endocrinologist strongly suggested I upgrade my out-dated pump and also start using a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM). The Dexcom G6 works directly with the...