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DIABETIC RETINOPATHY: JOHN'S EXPERIENCE | Diabetes Community Stories | Glucology

Diabetic Retinopathy: John's experience

John's story with his Diabetic Retinopathy diagnosis came about in 'divine intervention', as he commented. At the time when he went in to check his eyes, he had already been managing diabetes for a few decades...
Travel planning with Tia

Travel planning with Tia

In this informative video, Tia shares her valuable tips and insights on how she plans for traveling while managing diabetes. She discusses the importance of preparation and organization, and walks you through her step-by-step process...
New years resolution with Sarah

New years resolution with Sarah

In this heartwarming video, Sarah, a health-conscious community leader, takes her audience on a culinary adventure as she whips up a delicious batch of diabetes-friendly banana bread. While Sarah skilfully mixes ingredients and shares her...
New Years Resolution with Andi Balog

New Years Resolution with Andi Balog

Andi, our community leader , recently shared her New Year's resolution with her audience through a heartfelt and inspiring video. She started by reflecting on the past year and the ups and downs she had...
This is my proudest diabetes achievement since my diagnosis

This is my proudest diabetes achievement since my diagnosis

While it's important to look ahead of what's to come in your journey, looking back to reflect on how far we've come can help shift our perspective and remind us to recognise our achievements.  We've gotten...
What do you keep by your bedside table for a diabetes emergency?

What do you keep by your bedside table for a diabetes emergency?

We’re no stranger to the late night sudden wake up’s when it comes to living with diabetes. They night disruptions are so much fun, right? See what our community like to have by their bed...