Written by Andi Balog
These are the most common reasons type 1s (including my clients) don’t make progress in the gym:
Your diet is throwing things off
Your high/low bgls are holding you back
You aren’t training consistently
You aren’t training often enough
You’re following an unsuitable program
You rely on how you feel to dictate what you do and when - aka. motivation
Once we get to the bottom of what’s halting your progress towards your goals, we can put a plan in place and make some changes to get you there!
Everyone I work with has one or all of these things holding them back - and my clients see amazing results after completing my program and
improving their diet
making changes to how much they’re eating
improving their bgl management to avoid highs and lows
therefore needing less insulin and less hypo treatments (aka calories)
therefore have more energy and want to get more active
start using one of my FLP training workout programs and building muscle because it feels good - not because it’s a chore
start to believe in themselves
- increase confidence in themselves in all areas: mind, body & decisions
These are some general outcomes but do remember to always seek advice from your medical practitioner before changing anything about your diabetes management. The above information is not medical advice.