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#BurnoutTruth: Jessica's Story

by IBD Medical on October 05, 2022

Diabetes Awareness Week Campaign


Welcome to Jessica's #BurnoutTruth Story

Jessica's instagram: @t1d.jessicakat

At any given time, managing diabetes can feel like juggling one too many balls, and then someone throwing you another ball. While riding a unicycle. So it’s not surprising that mental health can take a toll and burnout happens.


The last few weeks, I had major burnout. I stopped eating as healthy as I could, I had limited movement in my day, barely smiled or laughed, and I stayed between a 0-30% TIR. The constant highs made me extremely thirsty and made my body feel like it was underwater. I was moody and had no desire to do anything productive.


It was at that point that I recognized that I was burnt out from the 24/7 navigation of life with diabetes.


Once I could see that I was burnt out, it allowed me to be kinder to myself. I gave myself some time “off”, which for me means taking off my cgm and relying only on the meter when necessary. Juggling only what was completely necessary and giving myself the power to feel like I have a little more control.


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Accepting burnout can be extremely hard, but it’s important to give ourselves more grace when it does happen. We are only humans, after all - with the added job of acting as a full time pancreas. Pretty badass if you ask me.



Behind the Burnout Truth Campaign

With National Diabetes Awareness Month happening, we believe it's important to continue our committment with sharing the support as at the end of the day,  we understand and acknowledge that diabetes management is a 24/7 experience.

With that in mind, we've created a #BurnoutTruth initiative to use this chance to shine a public light on an area that's often experienced in the dark by yourself.

Burnout truth is all about showing the realness of having chronic illness burnout and normalising this experience so that others out there know that it is real. By sharing different communtiy stories, we hope that we're able to communicate that the main message is to know that these things happen because you’re a human, whether it’s with diabetes or outside of having diabetes. 😊⁠


Remember to always seek advice from your medical practitioner before changing anything about your diabetes management. The above information is not medical advice.