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Diabetes 101: Benefits of Being physically active in diabetes

by IBD Medical on April 03, 2024
Benefits of Being physically active in diabetes

Physical activity is crucial for managing diabetes as it helps control blood sugar levels, improves insulin sensitivity, and reduces the risk of complications. Regular exercise also benefits heart health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. 

    Being physically active can bring several benefits to individuals with diabetes, including:
      1. Improved blood sugar control: Physical activity helps to reduce blood glucose levels by increasing insulin sensitivity, allowing glucose to be more effectively used for energy by the muscles.

      2. Lower risk of complications: Regular exercise can reduce the risk of developing diabetes-related complications such as heart disease, stroke, nerve damage, and kidney disease.
        3. Weight management: Exercise can help individuals with diabetes maintain a healthy weight, which is important for managing blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of complications.
          4. Improved cardiovascular health: Physical activity can improve cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure, improving cholesterol levels, and reducing the risk of heart disease.
            5. Increased energy and improved mood: Exercise can increase energy levels, reduce stress, and improve overall mood, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes who may experience fatigue or depression.
              6. Better sleep quality: Regular exercise can help improve sleep quality, which is important for overall health and well-being.
                7. Improved muscle strength and flexibility: Exercise can help improve muscle strength and flexibility, which can improve overall mobility and reduce the risk of falls.
                  8.Social benefits: Exercise can be a social activity, which can help individuals with diabetes feel more connected to others and reduce feelings of isolation.
                                  Overall, physical activity is an important component of diabetes management, and individuals with diabetes can benefit greatly from incorporating regular exercise into their daily routine. However, it's important to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen.

                                  Listen to the podcast by our community leader Andi Balog, about getting back on track with your physical activity goals:   


                                  Please remember, it is important to consult with a doctor or diabetes healthcare professional for personalised advice and guidance on how to manage diabetes. 

                                  Remember to always seek advice from your medical practitioner before changing anything about your diabetes management. The above information is not medical advice.

                                  It all began in 2016 when our founder wanted to make daily life easier by simplifying diabetes management. He realised that IBD Medical had the potential to ease the burden of people living with diabetes and empower them. This was when Glucology was born in 2017 in Sydney, Australia.

                                  Welcome to Glucology by IBD Medical !

                                  It all began in 2016 when our founder wanted to make daily life easier by simplifying diabetes management. He realised that IBD Medical had the potential to ease the burden of people living with diabetes and empower them. This was when Glucology was born in 2017 in Sydney, Australia.

                                  Glucology was created by IBD Medical and designed to provide stylish, discrete and innovative solutions for people living with diabetes. It gives people access to a bespoke line of support products at an affordable price.

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