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Memes filter by Diabetes Experiences

What makes me feel power

What makes me feel power

Like this post? Follow our Instagram for more memes!    If perfect blood sugar levels did happen, can I make a public holiday just to celebrate myself?⁠ While we wait for your dedicated public holiday to happen, check...
Full-time Pancreas

Full-time Pancreas

Like this post? Follow our Instagram for more memes!  Can't forget this full-time job today! Sometimes it's a hard knock life and that's okay! That's why the Glucology Team are determined to help the diabetes community lead...


Like this post? Follow our Instagram for more memes!  Sometimes when we have to manage our glucose levels, being cautious of the foods we eat can be a taxing process. What are some of the things you...
I feel like I'm high officer...

I feel like I'm high officer...

Like this post? Follow our Instagram for more memes!  We're not actually high, just check our monitors!! As we know, our blood glucose monitors are an essential part with keeping an eye out for our health, but it...
Be Nice to Diabetics!

Be Nice to Diabetics!

You can say that again!

You never know what a person may be going through behind the scenes. In this case, it's a lot of pricks...

The Lifecycle of a Diabetic

The Lifecycle of a Diabetic

Feel like you're in a constant cycle between taking insulin and raiding your entire kitchen? Then this may be you.

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