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Food & Health filter by Diabetes community

Why breakfast might be the most important meal of the day for those living with diabetes

Why breakfast might be the most important meal of the day for those living with diabetes

Image by Freepik You may have heard the saying “eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”. But is there any truth to this? While not all studies show...
Diabetes and the importance of healthy eating

Diabetes and the importance of healthy eating

If you have diabetes, the first lifestyle change a doctor recommends is to follow a healthy eating plan.  Don Kain discusses the impact of diabetes on heart disease and how healthy eating can prevent complications...


Whether it's a nice restaurant, a special family celebration or a party with friends, we all take pleasure in eating out and enjoying a meal with others.  Unfortunately, these occasions often come with the temptation to order...
Reducing Hypo-bingeing

Reducing Hypo-bingeing

Written by Andi Balog   One of the biggest factors that hold my clients back from weightloss is the extra food they eat to manage their blood sugars. The thing is, it doesn’t have to...
What to eat to be mindful with your diabetes

What to eat to be mindful with your diabetes

Are you unsure about what to eat? If so, you are not alone. There’s plenty of confusing and conflicting information out there when it comes to good nutrition, particularly when you have diabetes. And while...
Carb Counting Strategies

Carb Counting Strategies

Written by Andi Balog Carb counting is one of those things that type 1s and regular people think of completely differently. The average person generally only counts carbs as a strategy for weight loss -...