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Diabetes Management filter by Diabetes Experiences

Diabetes friendly weekend routine

Diabetes friendly weekend routine

When possible maintaining a diabetes-friendly weekend routine is crucial for managing blood sugar levels and overall health. Here's a sample routine that incorporates healthy habits and activities: Wake up at a consistent time: Try to...
How to easily look after your diabetes during easter

How to easily look after your diabetes during easter

Easter is a time of celebration and indulgence, filled with chocolate eggs, hot cross buns and other delicious treats. But for those living with diabetes, this time of year can be challenging. Diabetes is a...
Diabetes Tips on how to keep your feet healthy

Diabetes Tips on how to keep your feet healthy

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. When living with diabetes, foot problems can be quite common. This occurs when the blood vessels in the feet become damaged, leading to poor circulation and...
10 blood glucose testing tips you need to know

10 blood glucose testing tips you need to know

Blood glucose testing is essential for effective diabetes management, and knowing what to do can empower us to feel in control and comfortable with our diabetes routine. Here are our 10 key tips to help...
3 great items to take the hassle out of travelling with Diabetes!

3 great items to take the hassle out of travelling with Diabetes!

Between packing and planning for either a day out or for a longer trip, you definitely don't need any more stress (like how to keep your insulin cool, making sure everything you need is in one place,...
Check the carbs in your favourite alcoholic drinks for Christmas

Check the carbs in your favourite alcoholic drinks for Christmas

Family gatherings, events and festivities during the holiday period usually involve various types of food and alcohol. This can make monitoring diabetes and blood glucose levels more difficult. There are two things to be mindful...