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Safeguarding Kidney and Bladder Health: Preventing Diabetes Complications

Safeguarding Kidney and Bladder Health: Preventing Diabetes Complications

Diabetes, both type 1 and type 2, can have far-reaching effects on various organs, and the kidneys and bladder are no exception. Preventing complications in these vital organs is crucial for maintaining overall health and...
Diabetes and the Human Body

Diabetes and the Human Body

Sometimes, our definition of diabetes is limited to fluctuating sugar levels. In reality, it is much more than just that! Let's make science our friend this week and really understand what happens.  ---   Diabetes is a...
A prepared quick guide to adjusting to life with diabetes

A prepared quick guide to adjusting to life with diabetes

With any new changes that happen in life, there’ll always be an adjustment period. We acknowledge the rollercoaster of emotions that will come from this, particularly reactions of fear, disbelief or self-blame. It can be...
Good diabetes management: The how and why of monitoring

Good diabetes management: The how and why of monitoring

Monitoring your blood glucose levels is an important part of the day to day management of diabetes. This is particularly so if you have type 1 diabetes or use insulin or sulphonylureas (one type of...
Successful Blood Glucose Monitoring

Successful Blood Glucose Monitoring

Test blood sugar levels and monitoring blood glucose levels are an essential aspect of managing diabetes. Blood glucose testing can be done almost anywhere in as little as a couple of minutes. This helps to...
Managing Blood Sugar While Jet-Setting: Strategies for Dealing with Time Zone

Managing Blood Sugar While Jet-Setting: Strategies for Dealing with Time Zone

Changes and Long FlightsManaging blood sugar while traveling across different time zones and enduring long flights can be a challenge for individuals with diabetes. However, with careful planning and preparation, you can effectively manage your...